Wednesday, December 6, 2006

God IS good much has happened in such a short time. I hardly know where to begin.. First, back surgery and its ongoing recovery has taken up much of my time and energy; going back to work has been challenging in and of itself. My dad has been in the hospital since the Saturday after Thanksgiving with the inevitable consequences of 25+ years of diabetes and heart problems. He will probably lose his right leg up to the knee, but we are still hoping and praying for the best possible outcome. Even through all the trials and problems we as a family have faced this year, we KNOW that it is all done for our good, because we love the LORD and are of His elect. He never promised a rosy, trouble-free existence on this earth, but He did promise to give us all the resources and grace that we need to endure all the tribulations of this life. And His promises are good and true. The One, True God of all creation is worthy of our praise, our gratitude, and our worship. All praise and Glory to Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior!!!

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